Q&A: The Cleanse Program at Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat

Sunset over Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat
Rainbow over Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat

As many of our readers may know, we have begun leading gentle holistic cleansing retreats at our Hawaii retreat center.

Our program is designed as a “feel-good” vacation, with gourmet vegan meals, a daily schedule of optional activities, and field trips to some of the Big Island’s wonderful Hawaii attractions.

You can find detailed information on the retreat HERE. Of course, email us with questions you may have. Below, we’ll try to anticipate some common questions.

What exactly is being cleansed?

Toxins can accumulate in the tissues for years. During a cleanse, these are excreted through the skin and urinary and digestive tracts.

Is this necessary for my health?

Absolutely. Toxin accumulation is the cause of many health issues today, from cancer and autoimmune diseases, to infertility and unremitting fatigue and low energy. We have many stories of remarkable turnarounds that our patients’ experienced in their health during a cleanse.

What should I eat during the cleanse?

The Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat program is not a fast. Rather, we offer gourmet vegan hypoallergenic foods. You can eat as much as you like from the varied and delicious menu.

How do I manage cravings?

The number one craving most people experience is sugar withdrawal. When detoxing, it’s important to avoid foods with added sweeteners and artificial sugars, such as candy, desserts, and soft drinks. A sugar detox is an integral part of the broader detox process. We help you choose healthy alternatives to address any cravings. Caffeine withdrawal is number two. Although we don’t offer coffee at the retreat, we do offer green tea to help moderate the caffeine addiction.

Are specific supplements needed for a cleanse?

Yes. Cleansing is a nutrient-driven metabolic event. Supplying specific nutrients to support the organs of detoxification is essential to program success. All cleansing nutrients are included as part of the program at Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat.

Should I continue my prescription medications while on retreat?

Absolutely. You can schedule extra time with one of us to discuss any issues you may have in this area.

What are the best ways to reintroduce “normal” foods after a cleanse?

We will help you develop a program to reintroduce healthy foods that are a normal part of your regimen and are not included in the therapeutic menu at Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat. Our approach will help you identify foods to which you may be sensitive or allergic.

Will I lose weight during the cleanse?

Although the cleanse we offer is not a weight-loss program, cleanse participants often lose a bit of weight.

Can I continue to use the cleanse diet and practices I have learned after I leave the retreat program?

Yes and no. The cleanse diet is a therapeutic program. Many people feel so good after the program that they are reluctant to return to their previous regimen. However, you may need a bit more nutritional variety than we offer during the cleanse. As for the mental/emotional and spiritual practices learned at the retreat, you may incorporate into your regular daily life anything that helps you. During the course of the program at Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat, we will give you hints to help you readjust to life and temptations in the “real world.”

What will I feel like during the cleanse?

Any time that you are shedding toxins from the fat cells, there may be symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, muscle aches, difficulty sleeping, and changes in bowel movements. Have no fear, these symptoms are temporary. The first three days of the cleanse are usually the most difficult, and by day four most people begin to experience a sense of well-being that they haven’t felt in years. We have remedies to address some of these symptoms to help you over the rough parts.

More questions? Please ask. Detailed information is HERE.


Our previously sold-out March 10-18 retreat has had a cancellation and now has room for one person or a party of two. Reserve now! You may also reserve for the June retreat. Reserve your space here.

May Peace and Happiness be Ever Yours.

Drs. Connie and Marcel Hernandez



650-796-9631 (voice and text)