- Of What Value is the Myers Cocktail IV Nutrient Infusion? Dr. Marcel explains the Myers cocktail’s benefits for healing, energy, and restored vitality.
- Is Cancer News Important? — and How we Support Our Cancer Patients. Dr. Connie lays out our adjunctive cancer support options at Pacific Naturopathic.
- Thoughts on Cancer Screening. Dr. Connie updates us with the latest information on screening for cancer risk factors.
- Profound Effect of Ozone/UV on Viruses and Cancer. Dr. Brian Cox of Pacific Naturopathic reviews the biology behind Ozone/UV treatment and its effects in adjunctive cancer therapy.
- Cancer Update: 5 More Findings from Conventional Medicine. Dr. Marcel finds reason for hope in recent studies that seek to boost the body’s own immune defenses.
- Adjunctive Care for Cancer Patients at Pacific Naturopathic — A Brief Overview. Dr. Marcel lays out the four essential pillars of the adjunctive cancer care program at Pacific Naturopathic.
- Coffee Therapy for Cancer? Surprising Findings. Dr. Connie shares some unexpected findings about coffee’s value in adjunctive cancer care.
- Cancer Update: New Info from Conventional Medical Channels. Dr. Marcel shares fascinating new cancer research findings.
- A Holistic Approach to Cancer. Dr. Connie outlines some of the adjunctive care offerings for cancer patients at Pacific Naturopathic.
- Salicinium Adjunctive Cancer Treatment Program at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Marcel outlines research on the effectiveness of this interesting substances in adjunctive cancer care.
- Happiness & Success Happen One Small Step at a Time. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on making changes easier.
- The Root Causes of Complex Disease. Dr. Connie shares advances in our understanding of the root causes of disease.
- What Causes Cancer? Dr. Marcel reviews the current known causes of cancer and suggests lifestyle changes that can help us avoid it.
- Let the Healing Begin! — Just as Soon as We’ve Identified the Root Cause. Dr. Connie explains why curing an illness is a lot more complicated than soothing the symptoms.
- Making Good Decisions When the Options Are Many or Unknown. Dr. Connie shares tips for making the right choices when best path forward is unclear, or our own emotions are getting in the way.
- What Is Homeopathy? We welcome Krystal Shelmire, ND, our newest Pacific Naturopathic associate! Dr. Krystal explains homeopathy, its origins and varied applications in modern naturopathic practice.
- Ozone Therapy: Effective and Safe — Now Available at Pacific Naturopathic We welcome Dr. Brian Cox, ND to our Pacific Naturopathic staff! Brian outlines the medical applications of ozone therapy for a variety of health issues, including cancer.
- Difficult Decisions About Cancer Treatment. Dr. Marcel shares how he helps his patients make the difficult decision whether to opt for chemotherapy.
- Two Dynamic Young Healers Join Our Pacific Naturopathic Team! Meet Dr Brian Cox, ND and Dr. Krystal Shelmire, ND.
- Back to the Basics: Reflections on Cuban Medicine, and Minnie’s Story. Dr. Connie describes the difficulties of helping a Cuban relative find urgently needed natural remedies for her medical issues.
- The Adjunctive Cancer Care Program at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Marcel shares the four branches of PN’s adjunctive care program for cancer patients.
- Breast Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic: How to Prepare for Your Exam. Dr. Connie shares prep procedures to avoid inaccuracies in your breast thermography exam.
- Come Enjoy the Many Moods of Hawaii’s Healing Waters. Doctors Connie & Marcel extol the wonders of Hawaii’s misty paradise.
- Dehydration Dangers — “How Much Water Should I Really Be Drinking?”. Dr. Connie lays out the risks and benefits of drinking too little or just the right amount of water.
- No Kidding! The Wet Sock Treatment for Colds, Flus, and Sinusitis. Dr. Marcel discusses the varied applications for this unlikely sounding but effective therapy for congestive ailments.
- Water: Sweet Nature’s Oldest — and Most Effective? — Remedy. Dr. Marcel reviews the history and enduring benefits of water therapies for health maintenance and the healing of disease.
- Let’s Talk About Water — Its Role in Health & Healing. Dr. Connie takes an admiring look at water’s wide-ranging usefulness in health and healing.
- Drs. Connie and Marcel’s Hawaii Big Island Vacation Rental: “How Dreams Come True.” Drs. Connie & Marcel reveal how they achieved their dream of a Pacific Naturopathic guest retreat center in Hawaii
- A Brief Introduction to the Adjunctive Cancer Care Program at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Marcel lays out the four pillars of our adjunctive care program for cancer patients.
- Ancient Beginnings in Medicine — Who Is the “New Kid” Really? Dr. Connie outlines the present state of natural and Big Pharma medicine.
- Happiness and Success Start with Consciousness. Dr. Connie believes we should start a revolution in education that will help children understand the deep meaning and joyful purpose of their lives.
- How to Make Real, Lasting Changes in Your Life — A Practical Approach. Dr. Marcel suggests a practical, step-by-step approach to making lasting changes in our lives.
- Naturopathic Perspective on the Pandemic. Dr. Connie reflects on lessons learned during the pandemic.
- Evaluating Breast Health: Breast Thermography Services at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Connie suggests easy, practical steps you can take to monitor your breast health.
- Using Light Therapy to Restore and Maintain Brain Function. Dr. Marcel reviews the latest research on light therapy for brain health and healing.
- Proven Therapeutic Effects of Light Therapy.
- A New Book from Pacific Naturopathic on Prostate Cancer. Dr. Marcel publishes a new book on integrative medical and naturopathic care and adjunctive support for prostate cancer.
- An Attitude of Gratitude Heals Our Hearts and Bodies Year-Round. Dr. Marcel lists the reasons he believes gratitude is essential for good health in body, heart, spirit, and mind.
- Belated Thanksgiving Thanks and Best Wishes! Drs. Connie and Marcel offer their profound thanks to the Pacific Naturopathic family of patients, staff, doctors, and support services.
- The Adjunctive Cancer Care Program at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Marcel outlines PN’s proven adjunctive cancer care program.
- Here’s to Your Delicious Holiday Good Health! Dr. Connie shares her great-tasting holiday meal-prep tips.
- Healing All Three Aspects of Our Lives Is About the Process, Not the Destination. Dr. Marcel says that true, lasting healing can only be achieved by a firm, long-term commitment to change, and that the greatest source of health and happiness can be found through spiritual practices.
- Foods That Boost Brain Health & Happiness. Dr. Connie shares a basket full of delicious menu items that can protect, heal, and maintain brain health.
- Energy Medicine and Technology: the Medicine of the Future. Dr. Connie on the amazing array of new energy-based tools for diagnosis and healing.
- How to Get More Health & Happiness, One Small Step at a Time. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on reaching our health and happiness goals by taking smart, doable steps.
- Lifestyle’s Huge Effect on Cancer. Dr. Connie extols the value of simple lifestyle changes for cancer patients’ quality of life, longevity, and survival.
- The 3 Most Common Questions My Cancer Patients Ask. Dr. Marcel shares the three most important factors for quality of life with cancer.
- Looking for rest, rejuvenation, peace and quiet? Come to the Pacific Naturopathic Big Island Retreat Center! Drs. Connie and Marcel share the wonderfully rich variety of plants and animals that live on the Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii Retreat Center.
- A Wonderfully Simple Technique for Better Sleep. Jane Hernandez shares a simple technique for better sleep.
- When New Medical Technology Meets Ancient Energy Medicine. Dr. Marcel reviews the present convergence between new medical technologies and ancient energy medicine.
- Revolutionary New Medical Technologies vs the Lost Human Element in Healing. Dr. Connie compares the ongoing personal element in naturopathic medicine, versus the increasing depersonalization of high-tech-nified mainstream medicine.
- A Midsummer Potpourri of Healing Sweetness. Drs. Connie & Marcel offer fun facts and updates on products and services.
- At Last, the Perfect Ethnic Diet!? Alas, Not Yet! Dr. Marcel lays out the options for making traditional diets healthier without losing their unique flavors.
- Brain-Protecting Foods From Your Local Market! Dr. Connie lists surprising brain benefits of readily available foods.
- Which Non-Organic Foods Are Safest? The “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”. Dr. Marcel reviews the EWG’s lists of the safest and most dangerous non-organic fruits and vegetables.
- Research Finds Surprising Health Benefits of Common Foods. Dr. Connie reveals some unexpected scientific findings about the foods we put on our tables.
- A Naturopathic Physician Reflects on “Solution-Consciousness” & COVID. Dr. Connie reflects on COVID, with an example of how an intentional cooperative community and a spiritual center helped their members stave off down-pulling emotional and spiritual reactions to the virus.
- Escaping the Energy-Sapping Vampires of “COVID Consciousness”. Dr. Marcel suggests ways to rise above the emotional impact of Covid.
- You Can Change Your Brain for the Better! Dr. Connie reveals new findings on ways to keep our brain healthy as we age.
- New Research Confirms: Simple Light Therapy Restores and Maintains Brain Function. Dr. Marcel reveals amazing new research that confirms the beneficial brain effects of this well-researched, safe new therapeutic approach.
- Safe, Non-invasive, Effective and Easily Available Light Therapies. Dr. Marcel looks at a variety of innovative and ancient therapies using light.
- Confessions of a Naturopathic Physician and “Black Box” Junkie. Dr. Marcel takes a look at some interesting new energy-based tools for diagnosis and healing.
- Shedding Light on the Long-Haul Effects of COVID — Hope on the Horizon? Dr. Connie reviews encouraging research on the application of a specific form of light therapy for alleviating the problems of long-haul COVID.
- As Spring Draws to a Close … Take Time for Inner Renewal. Dr. Connie suggests springtime is the best time for review, reflection, and renewal.
- Of Pandemics, Politics, and World Upheaval. Dr. Connie suggest that instead of focusing all our attention on the ills besetting the world today, we shift our attention to the power of our inner light to banish the darkness.
- The Best Response to Mild, Moderate, and Severe, Chronic Stress. Dr. Marcel looks at the severity of the stressors in our lives, and the most appropriate means to alleviate or eliminate them.
- Ouch! Mind-Body Approaches to Relieving Acute and Chronic Pain. Dr. Connie suggests mind-body methods that may help relieve acute and chronic pain.
- Should You Get Genetic Testing for Cancer? Answer These 10 Questions. Dr. Marcel shares his thoughts on the value of evaluating your risk for cancer with genetic testing.
- COVID & Coronary Issues, a Glance at the Big Picture. Dr. Connie reviews links, diagnostics, and solutions.
- Whole Body Thermography — Read this if You’re Interested in Being Proactive About Your Health Dr. Marcel reveals the power of thermography to identify health issues before symptoms appear.
- When Conventional and “Alternative” Medicine Complement Each Other. Dr. Connie urges her patients to take advantage of modern medical diagnostic technology.
- Research Reveals the Health Benefits of Earthing — AKA Grounding. Dr. Connie shares research on the health benefits of this very enjoyable practice.
- The Sea — Nature’s Unbounded Source of Many-Faceted Healing. Dr. Marcel meditates on the profound healing benefits of contact with the sea.
- Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: the Need for Grounding in a Chaotic Time. Dr. Connie reveals practices for grounding ourselves as preparation for realigning our energies to heal body and mind.
- One of Our Favorite Healing & Skin Care Products. Drs. Marcel & Connie recommend a wonderful skin care formulation.
- Breast Thermography and Lymphatic Congestion / Obstruction. Dr. Connie shares a potential new diagnostic application for breast thermography.
- AUM, the Solfeggio Frequencies, and Sleep. Dr. Connie reviews ancient and modern studies of the healing power of material, astral, and subtle causal sounds.
- Six Suggestions for Reducing Unhealthy Levels of Noise Pollution in Your Life. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on creating a quiet home where noxious noises cannot intrude.
- The Sobering Health Effects of Sound Pollution. Dr. Marcel examines research findings on the health effects of the ever-present noise of modern life.
- Health Benefits of Affordable Hydrogen Water. Drs. Connie and Marcel review the health benefits of this easy-to-make, affordable natural concoction.
- Fiery Furnace: How the Fire Element Can Heal or Harm Us. Dr. Connie reviews the healing and harming powers of the fire element for our bodies, hearts, and minds.
- A Dangerous Fire — Inflammation, Its Causes, Harm, and Prevention. Dr. Connie explains inflammation, its sources, its dangers, and its prevention and control.
- Water — Its Healing Powers & Hazards. Dr. Marcel shares the virtues of water for health and healing, and its dangers when packaged in plastic bottles.
- We Are Water — Body, Mind & Soul. Dr. Connie extols the healing virtues of water, and the dangers of too much or too little.
- Winter is a Perfect Time to Visit Our Pacific Naturopathic Peace Garden Retreat! Drs. Connie and Marcel extol the wonderfully relaxing atmosphere of their Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat.
- Moving Into Fall: A Chinese Medicine Perspective. Pacific Naturopathic associate Anandini Ladera, Lac, shares her thoughts on healthy ways to adapt to the colder months ahead.
- An Ounce of Exercise = An Ocean of Health & Happiness. Dr. Connie reviews the profound health benefits of even mild to moderate, regular exercise.
- Covid Vaccination: Perhaps We Need to Vaccinate Our Emotional Reactions? Dr. Connie suggests a balanced approach to the vaccination controversy.
- The Surprising Health Benefits of Even Very Mild Exercise. Dr. Marcel lays out the manifold health benefits of a light walk in the park.
- Understanding the True Nature of Light. Dr. Marcel paints a word portrait of the healing power of the inner spiritual light.
- Light Therapies — Full-Spectrum, Red, and Blue. Dr. Connie discusses the latest findings on the effects of exposure to light.
- Under the Light of the Moon: Sleep Issues, Melatonin and the Hypothalamus. Dr. Connie reveals fascinating connections between sleep patterns, the hypothalamus, melatonin, and the moon.
- Thermal Breast Imaging at Pacific Naturopathic – Safe, Painless, Non-Invasive. Dr. Connie describes the value of thermography for early cancer detection.
- The Special Joys of Our Hawaii Big Island Vacation Rental. By Drs. Connie and Marcel.
- Food, Fermentation, and the Microbiome – How They Powerfully Affect Your Health. Dr. Connie suggests foods that can help us keep our gut microbiome – and ourselves – happy and well.
- Diet Do’s and Don’ts: Getting Past Our Food Fears. Dr. Connie helps us see how common sense and uplifted attitudes can protect us from modern food dangers.
- 13 Traits of Cancer Survivors: A Personal View. Dr. Marcel reviews some common attitudes and actions he has observed in the cancer survivors among his patients.
- Estrogen and Cancer: What You Need to Know. Dr. Connie reveals little-known truths about estrogen and cancer risk.
- Predicting Cancer Risk with Genetic Testing: The Basics. Dr. Marcel explains the present state of genetic testing for risk evaluation.
- What’s the Best Medically Validated Way to Reduce Our Risk of Cancer? Drs. Connie and Marcel look at the worldwide trend of cancer diagnoses and ways we can protect ourselves individually.
- A Look at Specialty Testing for Evaluating Health Issues. Dr. Connie reveals alternatives for lab testing to identify health conditions and risks.
- Upper Body Thermography for Identifying Possible Breast Health Issues. Dr. Connie reveals some very surprising connections to breast health suggested by breast thermography.
- Conventional Lab Testing vs the Pacific Naturopathic Wellness Panel. Dr. Connie lays out the advantages of Pacific Naturopathic’s own testing instruments.
- Thermography – Not Just for Breasts Anymore. Dr. Marcel shares new applications for thermography and answers your questions.
- Taking Charge of Our Health the Naturopathic Way. Dr. Connie recommends that we assemble our own personal health care team and adopt a few simple preventive strategies.
- Spring Cleaning: A Chinese Medicine Perspective. Our Pacific Naturopathic Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture associate Nandini Ladera suggests options for aligning our physical and subtle energies with the rising currents of spring.
- Spring Clean Your Inner World for Deep Renewal Post-COVID. Dr. Marcel suggests steps to renew ourselves inwardly in the wake of the COVID pandemic.
New Body, New Mind — New You! Detoxing & Cleansing Tips. Dr. Connie shares her suggestions for a lovely post-COVID spring detox/cleanse.
- It’s Sweet, Safe and Slow at our Authentic “Old Hawaii” Retreat. Dr. Connie and Marcel invite you to immerse in the good-health and relaxing vibes of Hawaii.
- Health Apps and Wearable Tech – Can They Really Help? Dr. Connie describes her experiences with high-tech health devices.
- Good Stories, Bad Stories — Who Has the Truth About Our Health?. Dr. Connie urges us to be calm and use our reason to weed-out health truth from health fiction.
- Post-Vaccination Support (Plus Pacific Naturopathic Family News). PN gains two staff and a baby grandson.
- Outward Turmoil: An Invitation to Inward Change. Dr. Connie suggests positive ways to respond to challenging circumstances.
- Laugh Like Your Life Depends on It. It Does! Dr. Marcel lists the healthy effects of laughter.
- Still Waiting for the Vaccine? Promising Support from Natural Therapies. Dr. Connie outlines recent research on boosting immunity by natural means.
- Separating Health Truth From Health Fiction. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on the points where traditional medicine and naturopathic medicine are, and are not in agreement.
- Our Big Island Vacation Rental — Enjoy a Break From the Mainland. Our vacation retreat guest house is available for your personal retreat in 2021.
- Healthy and Delicious (Everyday) Celebrations. Dr. Connie suggests tasty substitutes for natural protection in the winter months.
- Living In the Eye of the Storm: Coping With Crisis. Dr. Marcel recommends ways to stay centered and emotionally strong in times of crisis.
- Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday! Dr. Connie shares her advice for turning this uncertain holiday season into a spiritual boon by cultivating unselfish attitudes that are guaranteed to bring us joy.
- Health Benefits of Gratitude. Dr. Marcel savors gratitude’s powerful positive effects for our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls.
- What Is True Well-Being? Hint: It Goes Beyond the Body. Dr. Connie reveals levels of health that encompass the whole person.
- Helping You Stay Healthy in a Challenging Holiday Season. Drs. Connie & Marcel share their suggestions for staying well in a doubly challenging 2020 holiday season.
- Calm in a Crisis: Facing Our Challenges with Wisdom and Poise. Dr. Connie suggests ways to stay centered and happy amid the tests and trials of our lives.
- DNA Life Genomic Testing: Dealing With An Unexpected Test Result. Dr. Connie learns surprising truths about her body.
- For Once In Your Life, Experience What Real Hydration Feels Like. Drs. Connie and Marcel examine the health risks of under-hydration and suggest a highly effective remedy.
- Your Spiritual Immune System. Dr. Marcel outlines spiritual factors that strengthen our immune system.
- Working with the Immune System to Strengthen Our Body’s Defenses. Dr. Connie suggests practical ways to help keep our immune system healthy.
- Medical Freedom at Stake. An increasingly intrusive, overreaching medical establishment is seeking to protect its financial interests by squelching alternative medical practitioners.
- Medical Freedom and COVID-19. Dr. Mahavir advocates for the freedom to choose from among all our available health care options.
- Anti-Viral Advice for COVID-19 from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Anandini Ladera shares thoughts from TCM on protecting ourselves against coronavirus.
- Our CoVid-19 (Coronavirus) Recommendations. Dr. Connie shares helpful research and advice on defending ourselves and our loved ones against coronavirus.
- Our State of Mind (and Heart and Soul) Powerfully Influences Our Health. Dr. Marcel shares his thoughts on how expansive feelings such as kindness and compassion can help us stay healthy, and heal when we are ill.
- Two Highly Useful Products Discovered at a Recent Medical Conference. Dr. Marcel sings the praises of a new food sensitivity testing kit and a muscle gel that really works!
- Medicinal Holiday Treats. Dr. Connie offers her favorite holiday treats that heal.
- A Few Takeaways from a Recent Major Cancer Conference. Dr. Marcel shares findings that suggest the value of naturopathic adjunctive therapies.
- Could Cancer Patients Benefit From Integrative Oncology? Dr. Connie addresses this important question.
- Wonders of Alpha Lipoic Acid. Dr. Marcel sings the praises of this powerful protective and health-enhancing antioxidant.
- Glutathione for Protection Against Environmental Health Threats. Dr. Connie shares insights into how this powerful antioxidant can help protect our bodies against the harmful effects of radio frequency radiation.
- Surviving in a Strange New Electro-Smogged World. Dr. Connie shares practical approaches to protect ourselves from harmful EMF radiation.
- The Health Dangers of Smart Meters, Cell Phones and Wireless Routers and How to Lower the Risks of Serious Illnesses. Dr. Marcel suggests some highly effective solutions.
- Managing Electrosensitivity: What’s the Best Approach? Dr. Connie suggests electrosensitivity is individual and needs individual solutions.
- Electromagnetic Radiation – Questions & Solutions? Dr. Connie reviews recent findings on the dangers of radiation from personal electronic devices and modern environment.
- Electromagnetic Fields – Medical Professionals Reveal Profound Effects. Dr. Marcel shares new findings from a medical conference on the health dangers of EMF.
- Ionic Foot Baths for Effective Toxin Removal. Dr. Connie reviews the arguments for and against ionic foot baths.
- Meds for Moods. Dr. Connie lays out the three main therapies for depression and anxiety.
- Breathing for a Healthy Mind and Body. Dr. Connie shares a simple ancient breathing practice for calming emotions and focusing the mind.
- Can Hidden Energies Heal or Harm Us? Dr. Connie shares insights on the emergence of new healing modalities for an age of energy-awareness.
- Moods, Meds, and the Moon. Dr. Connie reveals the effects of lunar and diurnal cycles on our bodies and mood, and how man-made radiation may be affecting our consciousness.
- Beyond Dietary Shoulds. Dr. Connie suggests that we start looking beyond the technical-chemical details of our diet and start refining how we eat.
- Can We Choose Our Moods? Dr. Marcel learned some powerful ways to transform negative reactions into kindness and compassion.
- 3 Quick & Easy Healthy Recipes with a Little Help From the Cuisinart. Dr. Connie suggests ways to turn your food processor into a quick meal prep dynamo.
- Nutrition Update: 2019. Dr. Marcel summarizes recent research on the foods that can help us stay healthy.
- Suffering From Hay Fever? Natural Treatment for Allergies. Pacific Naturopathic associate Lisette Narragon looks at three medical and homeopathic options.
- Healthcare in America — Should I Rely Exclusively on My Standard Medical Provider? Dr. Marcel suggests we should choose the best system for the job at hand, and not discount traditional medicine altogether.
- Does Your Natural Healer Have What It Takes? Dr. Marcel suggests taking at close look at your natural health provider’s credentials before you dive in.
- Natural Healing or Mainstream Medicine — It’s Your Choice! Dr. Connie helps us sort through our options for choosing a healthcare system and provider.
- A Magnificent Synergy — Happiness, Health & Gratitude. Dr. Connie reveals some surprising health benefits of remembering to be grateful.
- IV Therapy for Macular Degeneration, Plus an IV Myers Cocktail FAQ. Dr. Marcel shares his insights on treating macular degeneration with IV nutrients.
- Spring Cleanse for Health & Happiness. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on renewing body and soul with a deep spring cleanse.
- Far-Infrared Sauna for Detox, Relaxation, and Stress Relief. Dr. Connie sings the praises of the dry far-infrared sauna.
- Cell Phone & Electro-Smog Shielding & Detox Suggestions. Dr. Connie shares her advice for protecting ourselves from dangerous EMF radiation.
- Toxin Dangers and a Small Group Detox/Cleansing Opportunity. Dr. Marcel lists some chief health dangers of common toxins in today’s environment — and announces a proven group detox program.
- Can Mammograms and Thermograms Diagnose Cancer? Drs. Connie and Marcel share their experience-based insights on cancer diagnosis and supportive therapies.
- Cancer Diagnosis: A Scary Spiritual Opportunity. Dr. Connie shares her experiences with spiritually committed cancer patients.
- Your Body’s Toxic Load — Its Sources & What You Can Do. Dr. Marcel discusses the toxins in our environment and suggests how we can protect ourselves.
- Cancer: What We Know, What We’ve Learned, Who Survives. Dr. Marcel reveals his observations of traditional and modern cancer treatment.
- Detox Quackery — A Naturopathic Physician’s View. When naturopathic cures disagree with medical dogma, which side should we believe?
- Adjunctive Cancer Treatment at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Connie describes the role of naturopathic therapies in supporting cancer patients’ quality of life and increasing their odds of survival.
- Cancer Rates Still Soaring — How Can We Protect Ourselves? Dr. Marcel suggests some approaches to protecting ourselves against rising cancer risks.
- Aging with Grace and Style — How to Keep Your Mind Sharp with the Passing Years. Dr. Marcel suggests ways to stay mentally young and healthy, while making it fun and not a chore.
- Aging with Grace and Style — Practical Tips for Accepting the Changes. Dr. Connie suggests ways to adapt our habits of living to ensure that our later years will be happy ones.
- Aging with Grace and Style — Accepting Change Dr. Marcel shares his thoughts on adapting gracefully to the inevitable changes that accompany aging. /li>
- Aging Is Unavoidable: Why Not Embrace It? Dr. Connie suggests attitudes that can help us embrace age-related changes in our bodies and grow old gracefully.
- Fiction and Facts About Restorative Yoga. Our new associate Adriana Buenaventura reveals the health-enhancing benefits of deep relaxation with Restorative Yoga.
- IV Therapy: A Safe, Powerful Approach for Many Conditions. Dr. Marcel sings the praises of this effective therapy for delivering nutrients rapidly to the cells.
- It’s True — There’s Only ONE Reliable Test for Breast Cancer! Dr. Connie dispels some myths about lab tests that can / cannot detect breast cancer.
- Healing Rituals You Can Do at Home. Dr. Connie reveals the scientifically verified healing power of simple rituals.
- Absorbable Curcumin — and Marcel’s Turmeric Brussels Sprouts. Drs. Connie & Marcel share a new, more absorbable form of curcumin and a delicious recipe.
- Ritual in Medicine. Dr. Connie explains the role of ritual in traditional and naturopathic medicine.
- Curcumin: Power Anti-inflammatory and Toxic to Cancer Cells. Dr. Marcel reveals ongoing research into curcumin’s surprising healing qualities.
- Advice for Separating Health Truth from Error. Dr. Connie shares her thoughts on choosing a healer.
- What Is the Power that Heals? Dr. Marcel shares his growth as a healer, and how a higher hand can guide the healing process.
- Short Quiz: Medical Myths — Fact or Fiction? Dr. Connie dispels some common beliefs about proper medical treatment and diet.
- Home Remedies — True or False? Take this Quiz! Dr. Marcel reveals the truth about seven traditional home remedies.
- Yoga Therapy for Chronic Stress & Social Anxiety. Yoga therapist Adriana Buenaventura shares her story with social anxiety and stress and suggests a simple yoga breathing exercise for finding inner peace.
- Healing Source: The Great Light of God. Dr. Connie describes her healing journey and the ultimate source of the power to heal.
- Conventional MD or Naturopathic Physician? Dr. Connie suggests criteria for choosing a health care provider.
- Attain Vibrant Mental Health with Yoga Therapy. Adriana makes a case for working with breath and body to relieve stress and achieve mental and emotional peace and poise.
- IV Therapy for Chronic Anxiety. Dr. Marcel makes a case for weekly IV infusions to relieve chronic anxiety and restore quality of life.
- Can Collagen Protein Protect the Brain Against Alzheimer’s?. Connie and Marcel summarize the healing benefits of our bodies’ most abundant protein.
- Maintaining Mental Health: The Body-Mind Connection. Dr. Connie share powerful evidence of how thoughts and feelings affect our physical health, and vice versa.
- Tips For a Healthy Memory As We Age. Dr. Marcel says age-related memory loss is NOT inevitable and gives tips for keeping our brains healthy as we age.
- What Science Says About the Healing Effects of Positive Feelings. Guest author George Beinhorn presents evidence that positive feelings help heal our bodies and brains.
- Follow Your Inner Vision. Dr. Marcel describes how our health, happiness and spiritual aspirations are tightly intertwined, and how we can make use of these connections to find our bliss.
- The Wonders of Collagen Protein. Drs. Connie and Marcel discuss the important roles of collage in health, healing, and recovery from injury and sports training.
- Naturopathic Help for Your Eyes. Dr. Connie suggests a healthy array of approaches for improving and preserving our eyesight.
- New Hope for Failing Eyesight. Our new associate Anandini Ladera reveals effective methods that can help preserve and restore eyesight.
- Yoga Therapy for Eye Strain. Adriana Buenaventura suggests some effective ways to relieve eyestrain with yoga and by removing environmental factors.
- Naturopathic Approaches to Eye Care. Dr. Connie tells interesting eye care-related stories and shares suggestions for improving vision.
- Reduce Breast Cancer Risk Ratings Seen on Thermography. Dr. Connie suggests ways to reduce congestion that can increase breast cancer risk.
- Simple Healing Agents That Really Work. Dr. Connie sings the praises of salt, honey, and other common household substances that have the power to heal.
- Holistic Support for Cancer Patients: The Naturopathic Perspective. Dr. Marcel outlines his conclusions from a life of helping patients with chronic illness.
- A Naturopath’s Thoughts on “Functional Medicine.” Dr. Connie reminds us that the effectiveness of all healing systems, including sophisticated modern western medicine, rests on a foundation of a healthy lifestyle.
- New Services: Women’s Health, Eye Care, Cancer Support. Dr. Marcel introduces our new associate, Anandini Wadera.
- Great New Way to Prevent Home Mold Infestations. Drs. Connie and Marcel suggest a new product that effectively balances the biome in your home.
- Mammograms or Breast Thermography — Which Is More Useful? Dr. Connie suggests a common-sense approach to early breast cancer detection.
- Navigating Life’s Changes. Dr. Marcel suggests ways to deal gracefully with the unavoidable changes in our lives.
- Fire in the Body — Dangers and Possibilities. Dr. Connie outlines the benefits and dangers of the fire element in the body.
- Changes at Pacific Naturopathic in Mt. View, CA. Drs. Connie & Marcel announce their new office location at 1580 West El Camino Real in Mt. View, CA
- Times of Crisis = Times of Opportunity. Dr. Connie suggests ways to turn crises, including world and personal crises, into opportunities.
- Glutathione Benefits for Optimal Health. Dr. Marcel outlines glutathione’s important health benefits, and the dangers of a deficiency of this power antioxidant nutrient.
- Cleansing Is Personal! Dr. Connie suggests ways to adjust your cleanse and detox to your body’s individual needs.
- The Diagnosis We Missed — Black Mold Invasion! Dr. Marcel tells a harrowing tale of mystifying health symptoms and how he found the hidden culprit.
- When Black Mold Invades Your Home. Dr. Connie tells a harrowing tale of black mold infestation, its dangers and cure.
- A Unique Herbal Sleep Aid from Hawaii. Dr. Marcel extols the benefits of Dreams of Muku, an effective remedy for insomnia made with love on a small farm on the Big Island.
- Some Promising New Therapies that Use Light and Sound. Dr. Connie looks at vibrational approaches for diagnosing and healing disease.
- How America’s Healing Paradigm Is Destined to Change. Dr. Marcel predicts that medical doctors and naturopathic physicians will eventually cooperate in the best interests of their patients.
- Our Treatment Options Need to Evolve! Dr. Connie suggests medical treatment has lagged behind diagnostic technology.
- Mammograms or Breast Thermography — Which Is Best? Dr. Connie explains the difference between traditional breast exams and thermography.
- Nature’s Cheapest Therapy — Elemental Healing. Dr. Connie offers a recap of no-cost healing therapies courtesy of Mother Earth.
- The Healing Sea. Dr. Marcel describes the many health benefits of seawater.
- Nature’s Power to Heal — a Dog Story. Dr. Benjamin Alter shares the true story of a dog who overcame a usually fatal illness with the help of nature’s healing power.
- Is Medicine Starting to Go Back to Nature? Dr. Connie relates how medical science has begun to verify the healing power of certain traditional remedies.
- Our Favorite Treatment for Colds & Flu. Drs. Connie & Marcel share their favorite supplement to be taken at the start of colds and flu.
- What to Do About the Flu? Dr. Connie discusses the pros and cons of vaccination and suggests alternatives.
- The Flu Shot — Just Bad Medicine. Dr. Marcel explains why people who’ve been vaccinated get sicker when they contract the flu.
- Sad Season — Avoiding the Winter Blahs. Dr. Connie describes the symptoms and suggests easy ways to lift your mood in winter.
- Effectiveness of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy. Dr. Marcel describes the benefits of IVNT for a wide variety of health conditions and for health maintenance.
- The Healing Benefits of Vitamin C Infusion Therapy. Dr. Marcel outlines the current research on intravenous vitamin C for treating a wide spectrum of conditions.
- Delicious, Healthy Holiday Alternatives. Dr. Connie suggests some easy ways to swap unhealthy holiday treats for delicious culinary delights.
- Seven Reasons People Hate Christmas. Dr. Marcel responds to those who claim to hate the holiday season.
- Spiritual Health — Add Meaning to the Holy Days. Dr. Connie explains the healing value of the holidays.
- Mammograms vs Breast Thermography vs Ultrasound. Dr. Connie gives a quick overview of three options for detecting abnormalities in breast tissue.
- Energy Medicine — Finding New Ways to Heal Ourselves. Benjamin Alter, ND, our newest Pacific Naturopathic associate, suggests ways we can stay healthy with subtle energy-based methods.
- Invisible Sources of Healing Energy. Dr. Marcel describes the inner process of energy transference for healing.
- Energy Medicine: Curing the Invisible. Dr. Connie urges doctors and patients alike to be open to the unexplored potential of new energy-based tools for healing.
- Subtle Healing: The Power of Energy & Consciousness. Dr. Connie chronicles the powerful healing effects of subtle energies, including human thoughts and feelings.
- IV Nutrient Therapy — Not Just for Cancer Patients Anymore. Dr. Marcel describes the many IV therapies for a range of conditions far beyond adjunctive cancer care.
- Healing the Body vs Healing the Whole Self. Dr. Marcel discusses the need to tap inner sources of energy that can help the body heal itself.
- The Vital Force and How to Take Good Care of It. Benjamin Alter, ND, our newest associate at Pacific Naturopathic, talks about how we can care for the body’s own natural healing power and keep it strong.
- Nature’s Power to Heal. Dr. Connie reveals the well-researched healing power of exposing ourselves to nature.
- Vitalistic Medicine — The Cure Is Within. Dr. Connie describes her journey to full faith in nature’s own healing power.
- Calming Heartburn — Causes and Solutions. Dr. Connie discusses the causes common for heartburn.
- Digestive Pain Basics: What’s in a Gut? Dr. Marcel talks about the sources of gut pain and suggests some basic healing strategies.
- Gut Issues — A Plea for Deep Diagnosis. Dr. Connie outlines diagnostic advances for gut problems and reminds us to consider their common secondary sources.
- Body, Heart & Spirit — the Healing Power of the Moon. Dr. Connie discusses the moon’s power to heal body, mind, and spirit.
- The Moon & Your Health — Some Surprising Connections. Dr. Marcel reviews recent research on how the moon impacts our bodies and emotions.
- Emotions, Subtle Energy, and Physical Healing. Dr. Connie reveals the subtle ways our feelings and thoughts affect our health, for good or ill.
- Thoughts on Spiritual Healing. Dr. Marcel reveals insights from his personal spiritual journey as a naturopathic healer.
- Favorite Summer Meal Suggestions. Dr. Connie suggests delicious options for healthy summer seasonal eating.
- Strategies for Healthy Summer Living. Dr. Marcel shares his suggestions for a healthy, happy, safe summer.
- The Source of the Power to Heal Ourselves and Others. Dr. Connie talks about the interplay between the science of healing and the science of spiritual exploration.
- Summer Unplugged & Healthy. Dr. Connie describes the healing delights of taking time in summer to chill sans cell phone.
- The Benefits of Intravenous ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid). Dr. Marcel describes the many healing and health-preserving benefits of this water- and fat-soluble substance.
- A Naturopaht’s Thoughts on Spiritual Healing. Dr. Connie shares insights into the role of Spirit in her practice as a naturopathic physician.
- Spiritual Sources of Disease and Healing. Dr. Marcel explains why we must track down the spiritual, mental/emotional, and spiritual sources of disease to find effective healing.
- Teatime Is Healing Time — An Appreciation. Dr. Connie praises the healing benefits of tea, and appreciates its social, cultural, and heart-nurturing powers.
- Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: A Myers Cocktail Q&A. Dr. Marcel answers your questions about this highly effective technology for delivering nutrients to the cells.
- Everything Nice: The Importance of Good Feelings in Healthcare. Dr. Connie believes kindness, compassion, and beauty can contribute to our healing.
- How Fast Are You Aging? You Have More Control Than You Think. Jane Hernandez CCHT describe a remarkable study on how our thoughts can slow the aging process.
- Spicy Magic — Turmeric & Curcumin. Dr. Connie talks about turmeric — its healing powers and some tasty formulas and recipes.
- Herbs and Spices — One Big Healing Family. Dr. Connie reveals the healing properties of common herbs and spices.
- My Herbal Healing Journey. Dr. Marcel describes his experiences with herbal healing as a young boy in Cuba.
- The Surprising Health Benefits of Intravenous Methylene Blue. Dr. Marcel describes the benefits of MB in the treatment of a host of conditions, including cancer.
- What Are the Safest Sugar Replacements? Dr. Connie runs through the sugar-replacement options and reveals which ones are safest.
- Shaking Sugar Cravings – A Practical Approach. Dr. Connie shares her suggestions for folks who want to eat better, feel better, and save themselves a bundle on health care costs.
- Things You Don’t Want to Know About Sugar. Dr. Marcel says good health begins with the immune system, which is highly vulnerable to the negative effects of dietary sugar.
- Forget the Ineffective Flu Shot: Stay Well with a Myers Cocktail. Dr. Marcel reveals the reasons oral vitamins are vastly less effective than IV supplementation.
- A Peace Mind in a Troubled World. How can we stay healthy and happy in a world riven with division and conflict? Dr. Marcel suggests some simple, practical ways to find the answer.
- Healthy Body — Peaceful World. Dr. Connie suggests that world peace must begin with personal change.
- Natural Options for Aches and Pains. Dr. Connie describes some of the proven naturopathic remedies for alleviating pain.
- Understanding Pain — 10 Questions. An interesting quiz adapted from an article on Web MD.
- Aches & Pains: Getting to the Cause. Dr. Connie describes her saga with shoulder pain, and why it’s best to identify the underlying cause.
- Do Miraculous Spiritual Healings Occur? Dr. Connie explains the lawful operation of spiritual healing.
- The Healing Miracle of Intravenous High-Dose Vitamin C. Dr. Marcel examines the surprising effectiveness of this simple natural treatment.
- When the Body Heals “Miraculously.”. Dr. Connie describes fascinating cases of sudden, “miraculous” healing through alternative therapies.
- Understanding Healing Miracles (How Did Jesus Do It?). Dr. Marcel gives us an energy-based but no less inspiring view of Jesus’ miracles.
- An IV Cocktail that Helps You Stay Healthy While Traveling. Dr. Marcel explains the immune-boosting benefits of this proven pre-travel remedy.
- Our Favorite Take-Along Kit for Healthy Travel. What remedies should you bring on your next trip? Dr. Connie gives her suggestions.
- Are Vaccines Safe? Two Personal Stories, With Commentary. Dr. Marcel tells his own experience with vaccination and explains how vaccines weaken the immune system.
- Hormone Testing: Why a Cautious Approach is Best. Dr. Connie explains why traditional lab tests may miss or mis-diagnose a hormonal imbalance.
- Seven Helpful Diagnostic Lab Tests Your Doctor Doesn’t Offer. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Connie offer a number of lab tests that can pinpoint troublesome health issues more accurately than the standard tests used in traditional medicine.
- A Better Alternative to Standard Lab Tests for Health Issues. Dr. Connie describes problems with the diagnostic value of standard medical lab testing, and suggests a more revealing, affordable alternative.
- Anti-Aging Therapies at Pacific Naturopathic in Mt. View, CA. Dr. Marcel describes the anti-aging effects of nutritional intravenous therapies.
- Who Are the Fast Healers? Some people are hardly ever sick, and when they are they heal extraordinarily quickly. Dr. Marcel explains what sets the fast healers apart.
- How Does Healing Happen? Dr. Connie traces the source of all healing to energy, and even more subtly to Spirit.
- Phosphatidylcholine: #1 Nutrient for Anti-Aging and Brain Health. Dr. Marcel ennumerates the many benefits of this important nutrient for our brains and other organs.
- Farmed Fish — What You May Not Know. Dr. Marcel says we should think twice before choosing “safe” farm-raised fish.
- When Should I Compromise My Vegetarian Diet? When it comes to choosing between rigid dietary principles and overall health, says Dr. Connie, common sense is in order.
- Food Fanatics and Food Fanaticism — What’s a Health Balance?. Dr. Connie riffs on food extremes, and why it’s healthy to eat right but be flexible.
- Environmental Toxins — Testing and Treatment. Dr. Connie suggests which tests for environmental toxins are most useful, and how to clear these toxins from our bodies.
- Environmental Toxins — Surely Not in Folks Like Us! Drs. Connie and Marcel discover that clean living may not protect us from the toxins in our environment.
- Mysterious Case of the Suddenly Unhealthy Housewife. Dr. Marcel explains why the dangers of hidden household mold should be taken very seriously.
- Supplements for Digestion and Much More. Drs. Connie and Marcel describe the supplements they personally take and swear by.
- Boost Your Immunity the Way Nature Intended. Master herbalist Elijah Free reveals nature’s three herbal healing options for strengthening our body’s own immune defenses.
- Immune System Functions, Malfunctions, and Fixes. Dr. Connie explains some common ways the immune system can go awry, and how we can protect ourselves.
- Powerful Protection Against Environmental Health Dangers. Dr. Connie evaluates the risks and suggests ways to strengthen our defenses.
- Six Lifestyle Factors That Can Cripple Your Immune System. Dr. Marcel prescribes six enjoyable ways to defend ourselves against colds, flu, and other illnesses.
- EFT: Quick Fix for Healing Emotional and Physical Traumas. Jane Hernandez describes a simple, easy way to release energy blocks that cause us physical and emotional pain.
- Are Your Health Problems Due to Environmental Toxins? Dr. Connie explains simple steps we can take to protect our bodies from the dangerous chemicals in our environment.
- Remedies That Work, Part 4: When More Than One Remedy Is Needed. Elijah says most pain has mechanical and metabolic causes that can be remedied with his next-generation herbal formulas.
- Remedies That Work, Part 3: Simple Healing Secrets from Naturopathy. Dr. Connie suggests four irreducibly simple remedies that have passed the test of time.
- Remedies That Work, Part 2: The Elegance of the Myers Cocktail. This powerful IV formula bypasses the digestive system that frequently causes problems with nutrient malabsorption.
- Remedies That Work, Part 1: When Remedies Fail. Dr. Connie explains why our real health issues may be other than the immediately obvious.
- Solving the Low Energy Puzzle. Dr. Connie talks about the causes of low energy and their possible treatments.
- Energy Stories for Health & Healing. Dr. Marcel describes the powerful healing effects of positive energy.
- The Secret Source of Health and Healing. Dr. Connie Hernandez reveals how you can tap into an unlimited source of healing energy.
- Personal Transformation Through Conscious Nutrition. Lauren Hoover-West, author of No Wheat No Dairy No Problem, suggests ways to achieve better health by making wiser choices in the food we eat.
- Life Changes — the All-Important Middle Step. Elaine Kahn offers energy healing and life counseling at Pacific Naturopathic in Mt. View, CA.
- Renew Your Body With a Healing Cleanse. Dr. Brad West, ND explains how a physical cleanse can leave us feeling mentally, emotionally, and spiritually renewed.
- Naturopathy Treats the Underlying Causes of Disease, Not Just the Symptoms. Dr. Connie Hernandez reveals why naturopathic medicine can effect permanent, lasting healing.
- Finding Your True Healthy Self Through Spiritual Transformation. The great saints, sages, and healers tell us that the search for happiness starts within.
- The Story of Gato, the Cat Who Transformed Our Hearts. A remarkable story of the heart-opening power of love between humans and animals.
- To Change Your Health, Work on Your Consciousness. Our thoughts and feelings can affect our health, for good or ill. Don’t forget to take care of your inner self, when trying to heal your body.
- How to Find the Best Health Care Information, by Dr. Connie
- Health Care Challenge: Seven Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor, by Dr. Marcel
- When It Comes to Making Decisions About Your Health Care, One Sizes Does NOT Fit All, by Dr. Connie
- Amp-up Your Fitness with Breath-Movement Exercise, by Dr. Connie
- Solving Low Energy and Delayed Recovery in Exercise & Sports Training, by Dr. Corrine
- For the Best Health and High Energy, Check Your Spiritual Fitness, by Dr. Marcel
- How I Gave Up Worrying About Exercise and Started Really Enjoying It, by Dr. Connie
- The Why and How of Nutrient Supplementation, by Dr. Connie
- Supplements for Adrenal Health, by Dr. Corrine
- Five Super Supplements That Can Help Keep You Well. by Dr. Marcel
- Are Natural Supplements and Remedies Dangerous? by Dr. Connie
- Tame the Damaging Effects of Stress-Related Cortisol, by Elizabeth Hernandez, CCHT
- Making Wise Choices for Managing Your Menopause Experience, by Dr. Connie
- Are Your Adrenals, Thyroid, and Ovaries Affecting Your Quality of Life? by Dr. Corrine
- Men’s Health: The Dangerous World of Testosterone Replacement, by Dr. Marcel
- A Healthier Way to Balance Your Endocrine Glands, by Dr. Connie
- Intravenous (IV) Therapies — Part 1, by Dr. Connie
- FAQs & Answers: Benefits of IV Therapies — Part 2, by Dr. Marcel
- IV Therapies and Athletic Performance — Part 3, by Corrine Wang, ND
- Better Aging with IV Therapies — Part 4, by Dr. Connie
- IV Therapies for Your Immune System — Part 5, by Corrine Wang, ND