Energy Medicine – A Scientific Perspective


What kind of emotional response does the term “Energy Medicine” evoke for you?

For lots of folks, it’s emotionally loaded. And that’s perfectly natural, because it suggests a very broad field of applications, from the most extreme woo-woo huckster pseudo-science, to scientifically verified practices such as acupuncture.

Consider. The human body consists of molecules whose even smaller constituent elements are atoms. Now, then, physicists tell us that atoms are composed of energy, and that they are held in place by electromagnetic fields.

Thus, the underlying structure of the body is not made of matter, but energy.

It’s shouldn’t be terribly surprising, then, that measuring the energy fields emitted by the brain, heart, and other organs can give us extremely useful information about the healthy or abnormal functioning of those body parts.

Nor should it come as a surprise that medical science has been hard at work in recent decades to develop diagnostic technologies that can measured the healthy or aberrant functioning of many organs, including the liver, pancreas, and colon.

It’s a virtualy certainty that these tools will allow us to determine the difference between a liver that is pulsating at a healthy frequency, and a liver whose function is ominously sub-optimal.

In the near future, energy medicine is even likely to reach beyond diagnosis to give us new means to correct the unhealthy energetic frequencies of ailing liver cells.

This will open an entirely new field of healing, as the treatments will be non-invasive and won’t require surgical intervention or drugs.

Has Star Trek medicine finally arrived? Will we soon see the ancestors of Dr. Leonard McCoy healing injured brains by holding a pocket-sized energy-based instrument over the patient’s forehead (see “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home,” and “Star Trek Doctors Ranked by Crankiness.”)

Not immediately, although it’s now well within the reach of medical science to give us new, minimally invasive, highly effective therapies that we could only dream of a few decades ago.

The notion that the body is made up of atoms held together in electromagnetic fields, and that influencing those fields can create healthy changes is hardly new.

  • Japanese healers have known for years that magnets applied to the body can have beneficial effects in certain conditions.
  • Chinese medicine is based on the study of the flow of energy along certain bodily circuits (“meridians”). Where there is a blockage in the energy flow through a meridian, there will be an energy starvation that will result in organ deterioration and illness.
  • Acupuncture and other ancient Oriental healing sciences are designed to release the blockages so that life-sustaining, healing energy can flow freely once again.
  • Research has abundantly documented the power of music and other arts to affect the body’s supply and flow of energy, for good or ill.
  • While listening to harmonizing, uplifting music, or viewing positive, magnetizing art, our hearts feel harmonized, uplifted and at peace, and the body release tension as our vibrational frequencies become entrained to the medium that we’re experiencing.
  • This is well demonstrated by the uncanny power of a Monet painting of water lilies to draw our attention and lift our spirits when we catch a glimpse of it sixty feet away at the end of a museum corridor.
  • Great art has a magnetism that harmonizes our being. We are transported to the special places where only art and music created by geniuses of high energy and transcendent consciousness can take us.
  • Various forms of laying-on of hands have served for centuries as a means of altering the body’s energetic patterns in health-sustaining and healing ways.
  • In modern times, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Joh-Rei, and other practices have acquired widespread respect for their results.

Generally, these developments suggest a connection between the practitioner’s consciousness and the effectiveness of the therapy. (But that’s a topic for another time.)

Naturopathic Medicine uses established, evidence-based (i.e., scientific!) therapies. In this way, it is diametrically the opposite of the popular yoo-hoo images of Energy Medicine as practiced by spacy air-fairy witch doctors conducting fanciful ceremonies, with patients serving as their guinea pigs.

Naturopathy is as ancient as healing itself. Its roots are grounded in repeatable observation of how various healing agents, from nature’s herbs, to the latest scientific energy diagnostics, can help us understand and heal the energy fields (and health) of our bodies and minds.

As naturopathic doctors, we have a wide variety of thoroughly tested, scientifically verified energetic therapies at our disposal, including flower essences, craniosacral therapy, orchid essences, homeopathy, and yes, a type of laying-on of hands.  We also have access to the emerging new medical devices that can diagnose and affect the body’s electromagnetic field.

As a spiritual aspirant with an active meditational, devotional practice, I have long felt that Jesus’ ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, and perform many other miracles was based on his complete attunement to the universal consciousness itself, and its expression in the physical cosmos as energetic patterns that sustain all living things, including the pulsations of atoms emitted by human bodies, minds, and souls.

Jesus’ oneness with the Maker and Sustainer of All Things empowered him to alter the frequencies of living beings with a simple glance or the lightest touch of his hand. 

In the end, most folks don’t care where healing comes from. If a particular therapy is non-invasive, harmless, and will in any degree alleviate suffering, our thought is naturally “Why not?” 

Why should we limit ourselves to the world of coarse physical alleviation of symptoms, when access to a world of deep, permanent healing increasingly awaits us as we learn to access the entirety of the Universal Energy with its boundless healing movements and pulsations.

Would you like to discover which energetic approaches may apply to your particular health circumstances?  We invite you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Connie or Dr. Marcel for a specific, individual evaluation.


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