I have discovered a new side effect of COVID. I call it “coronavirus fatigue.” Most of us are so tired of the unending coronavirus pandemic that we have ceased most preventive and protective measures put in place by the CDC in 2020. Even major hospitals no longer require masks of their patients and employees. Yet, the virus is still raging and there is a never-ending stream of variants. Here’s the latest.
Variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continue to emerge in the United States. The current expression of the virus, KP.3.1.1 (how do they come up with these names?), is the predominant variant in the United States and reported infections continue to increase in number.
However, there’s a new coronavirus subvariant catching the attention of global doctors and researchers: it’s being called “XEC.” This strain is believed to be a combination of KS.1.1 and KP.3.3. What are we to do?

Vaccinations are still strongly advised by both the CDC and almost all conventional medical institutions. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was almost “anti-American” not to be vaccinated. It took courage to opt out of vaccination, and social pressure was extreme.
However, the question arises as to why the vaccine manufacturers keep offering new versions the vaccines. This is because the virus keeps mutating, almost consciously developing resistance against each of the modified vaccines. By the time a new form of the vaccine is released, the virus is already mutating, negating the effectiveness of the latest vaccine.
Furthermore, the vaccines do not guarantee that the recipient will be protected from the COVID variant it was designed for.
The m-RNA vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna are questionable, as there simply is not enough information about their long-term effects on human genetic expression. What we do know is that myocarditis and pericarditis, two heart inflammation events, are common side effects. Other serious side effects have been reported but not yet correlated with m-RNA vaccines through studies. Other than pain and inflammation at the injection site, the most commonly reported transitory vaccine symptoms were exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness, brain fog, and neuropathy.
Then there is “long COVID” whose symptoms are long-lasting, not transitory. The Mayo Clinic reports over 200 symptoms associated with long COVID, including extreme tiredness, especially after activity, problems with memory, brain fog, light-headedness and dizziness, problems with taste or smell, sleep disorders, shortness of breath, cough, headache, fast or irregular heartbeat, digestive problems, and others.
I’ll repeat the question I posed above, “What are we to do?” Here are some thoughts from a naturopathic perspective:
1) Protect yourself biochemically and metabolically. Remember that the body’s response to any infection is determined by a combination of the virulence of the infecting organism and the immune resistance of the host. The best protection against infection comes from leading a healthy lifestyle. If you are unsure what this means, make an appointment with your naturopathic doctor for help in developing a plan.
2) If you become infected with COVID, avoid Paxlovid. In addition to numerous side effects (breathing problems or wheezing, racing heart, fever or general ill feeling, swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat, trouble swallowing or throat tightness, and more), Paxlovid has a “rebound effect.” Initially, Paxlovid appears to ameliorate the COVID symptoms, but very often the virus can rebound with a vengeance. This is common knowledge among medical professionals.
Opt instead for intravenous vitamin C infusions, which have been reported to be highly effective against COVID and all its variants by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the National Institutes of Health, and medical research journals worldwide. The upside is that IVC has no side effects and is a well-known therapy, as opposed to the fuzzy medical logic and promises of global drug companies about vaccines and anti-virals.
Again, seek naturopathic assistance if you have any questions about prevention, protection, and treatment of the tiresome (yet still dangerous) coronavirus.
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