by Dr. Connie Hernandez, ND
Biologist Lyall Watson told a wonderful story about a group of macaque monkeys that lived on the island of Kojima in Japan.
The story concerned a single young female monkey who spontaneously got the idea to wash a sweet potato to remove the dirt before she ate it.
This was unprecedented behavior among the monkeys, yet one after another they began to copy her behavior. Soon even monkeys who’d had no contact with the original monkey were doing the same.
The point is that ideas spread. And a further point is that ideas matter, very much, because the predominant ideas and feelings of a local community or a nation, or a planet, are bound to have a powerful influence on its general health and happiness.

This was never more powerfully demonstrated than in World War II, where wartime prime minister Winston Churchill, by the sheer power of his rhetoric and reassuring personal presence, was able to lift his people out of their fears and despondency during the terrible German bombings of 1940-41, and inspire them to maintain a positive spirit and a firm inner certainty that they could persevere and prevail.
We are inextricably linked. The vibrations of our thoughts reverberate throughout our bodies, and even to each other. Researchers have found that the pattern of our heartbeat (heart rate variability) exactly mirrors our positive or negative thoughts and feelings, and that it can affect another person’s heart pattern at a distance of up to six feet. The clear corollary is that it’s a good idea to be careful about the company we keep, because negative moods can, and will spread.
During the pandemic, humans around the globe shared feelings of fear, rage, loneliness, depression, division, and fatigue. These thoughts and emotions have inevitably influenced the planet, affecting us all – and as I believe and will argue here, affecting the power of the virus to harm us.
All creation, including viruses, is composed of vibratory patterns of energy. We are energy, and our uniqueness is determined by the uniquely patterned vibrations that hold us in manifestation.
When human consciousness becomes broadly attuned to viral patterns of hope or despair, the general vibrations become powerfully strengthened for better or for worse.
Great spiritual masters, among them perhaps most notably in our times the great sage Paramhansa Yogananda, tell us that tumultuous emotions, such as many people have experienced in recent years, have a power to influence the weather and to create cataclysmic environmental conditions such as we have witnessed during the pandemic, including vast wildfires, devastating floods, extreme temperatures, and catastrophic storms and earthquakes.
It isn’t a stretch to imagine that our emotions have created a consciousness that has attracted to us these weather events, and that has prolonged the global pandemic.
In any microbial assault upon the human body, the factors at play are (1) the virulence of the microbe itself (in this case, a virus), (2) the receptivity of the host, and (3) the vibratory power of various healing techniques to neutralize the threat.
In previous Pacific Naturopathic newsletters, we presented many remedies that were shown to decrease the receptivity of the body to COVID viruses, and to minimize its lasting consequences.
The list is thankfully long; it includes both conventional and alternative means, such as Vitamins A, D and C, NAC, melatonin, Ivermectin, zinc, quercitin, bioflavonoids, nattokinase, and more.
What we haven’t discussed is the role that the prevailing consciousness of a world dangerously out of balance is playing in creating openings for the virus to thrive, evolve, and continue to wreak suffering everywhere.
Paramhansa Yogananda taught that the ultimate cause of all illness and suffering is ignorance of spiritual truth – specifically, the damaging vibratory effects of wrong diet, lack of exercise, and even more powerfully, negative attitudes of fear, anger, resentment, hatred, revenge, and the like.
He lauded the tremendous healing power of attitudes and actions that create a strong protective vibrational “fence” around us: love, kindness, cooperation, compassion, forgiveness, inner divine attunement through devotion and meditation, and the joy of self-forgetful service.
Vibratory healing can also occur very powerfully when we attune our consciousness to the holy vibrations of saints, including the vibrations that remain for centuries in places where they have lived.
Indeed, he said, contact with the highest wisdom and love, as it is transmitted by the saints, is the most powerful healing influence of all.
The examples are innumerable – they include the woman who, alone in a mob that swirled around Jesus, touched the hem of his robe, causing him immediately to ask who had touched him, for he had felt power go out of him. The woman was instantly healed of a terrible hemorrhage that had afflicted her for years.
Spiritual healing methods include affirmation, prayer, meditation, chanting – in short, anything that aligns our vibrations with the universal healing power of Spirit.
To come back down to earth for a moment, it’s worth noting that while many of us are nowhere near perfectly attuned to the world-transcending vibrations of God and His saints, it is nevertheless useful to think of vibrational frequencies when it comes to health and healing.
Everything, from viruses to human beings, including every cell and organ, is created and sustained by a set of vibrational frequencies. If we knew the frequency of the COVID virus and could expose it to a perfectly matched inverted frequency, we could neutralize and eradicate it.
Yogananda predicted that the medicine of the future will be based on this model, and that it will employ light, sound, color, and other carriers of vibrations to reverse disease.
Prototypes of machines for achieving this effect have been around since the early twentieth century. Of course, conventional medicine is still largely too mired in old matter-based healing models to accept that there may be any great value in these frequency-based therapies.
Fortunately, however, we are getting closer. For now, sound-based and other vibrational therapies that use infrared and red light are showing not merely potential but actual results in diminishing inflammation, strengthening the immune system, repairing damage done by COVID, and strengthening the body to be less receptive to further viral assaults.
In time, we can expect new research and clinical trials that will verify the efficacy of vibratory methods to correct the vibrational imbalances that create viral pandemics in the first place, and to heal the damage and strengthen our well-being and resistance to disease.